Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver(REBGV)
Agent Loading of Listings is Mandatory
To get listing loading permissions:
- Send to
- Complete the Listing Entry Office Level Training course provided free of charge from the board. To Register for this course please log into your Paragon account and click on Courses & Events Calendar to register.
Agent Load Listing Process
- Agents enter the listing on the MLS and make changes to any non contractual fields while they are active.
If you do not have permission for Agent Loading please these steps below:
- Upload all listing documents to reZEN for Broker approval
- Once a listing has been Broker approved in reZEN, please send only the listing documents that require a signature to via electronic signing platform with Adrienne Jopp set as the signer.
- Please set the recipient of the signed documents to be so that a signed copy is automatically sent to the board.
If you do not do this you will have to send a separate email to the board with the signed documents.
Listing Cancellation Process
- Upload all listing cancellation documents to reZEN for Broker approval
- Once a listing cancellation has been Broker approved in reZEN, please send only the listing cancellation documents that require a signature to via electronic signing platform with Adrienne Jopp as the signer.
- Please set the recipient of the signed documents to be so that a signed copy is automatically sent to the board.
If you do not do this you will have to send a separate email to the board with the signed documents. Once they have received the signed documents they will cancel the listing for you.
Documents that are sent to any other email address will not be accepted.
Reporting a Sale Transaction
- Fill out the sales report form and send it to with Adrienne Jopp set as the signer. Please include a copy of the Contract of Purchase and Sale including all amendments and addendums.
- Set the recipients of the signed document to be Once they receive a copy of the completed signed documents they will mark the property as sold.
Fraser Valley Real Estate Board (FVREB)
Agent Modify of Listings is Mandatory
Agent Modify access will provide agents with the ability to modify remarks and non-contractual data fields within their active MLS® listings.
Changes that are made using Agent Modify access will be immediate on Paragon® and will not go through the MLS® department for processing. Contractual fields are not accessible with this access.
The Add New Listing to FA Status access will permit Members to add a listing directly into Paragon® with an FA – For Approval status (the equivalent of uploading a listing via WEBForms®). Agents will not have access to make the listing Active, only the board can do that.
Agent Load Listing Process
- Send the listing contract to with Adrienne Jopp set as the signer.
- Enter the listing information via the Upload Listing function on WEBForms® with a FA-For Approval status. Once you have done this please send a copy of the signed contract to and have them activate the listing. If you do not have a signature on the listing contract it will not be activated.
Listing Cancellation Process
- Once a listing cancellation has been Broker approved in reZEN, please send only the listing cancellation documents that require a signature to via electronic signing platform with Adrienne Jopp as signer.
- Set the recipient of the signed documents to be If you do not do this you will have to send a separate email to the board with the signed documents. Once they have received the signed documents they will cancel the listing for you.
To Report A Sale
- Fill out the Sales Report (also can be found in your webforms in Paragon)
- Send for signature to with Adrienne Jopp as the signer.
- Set the recipient of the completed document as
Victoria Real Estate Board (VREB)
Agents can load their own listings into Matrix after their listing has been approved in reZEN. No other steps are required.
To cancel a listing please send only the required documents to through your electronic signing platform with Adrienne Jopp set as the person to sign. Please set the recipient of the signed documents to be Once signed and sent to the VREB they will cancel the listing.
To mark a property as sold first log into Matrix and mark pending. The sale will automatically switch to sold on the closing date. If something changes with the listing after it has been marked pending you must fill out a change order form and submit to
Association of Interior Realtors (AOIR)
Agent Load Listing Process
- Send documents to through your electronic signing platform Suzanne Carswell as the person to sign.
- Uploaded the listing to Xposure or Matrix, please email with the listing address in the subject line and ask to have your listing made active.
- Upload the listing documents to reZEN for Broker approval.
Price Changes and Listing Date Expiry Changes
- Send documents to through your electronic signing platform with Suzanne Carswell as the person to sign.
- The documents will be signed and changes will be made in MLS to the listing at the same time so please ensure you and your clients have already signed the documents.
Sold Reporting
- To have a listing marked sold email with the Sales Report Form please ensure you have filled in the selling price, purchase contract date, final subject removal date and buyer agent fields.
- If you have an out of country buyer, an out of town agent or an unrepresented buyer you must fill out the appropriate Firm Sales Report for your area and email it to to have the sale reported.
Listing Cancellation
To Cancel a listing please send the documents to through your electronic signing platform with Suzanne Carswell as the person to sign, the document will be signed and marked as cancelled at the same time.
Vancouver Island Real Estate Board (VIREB)
Listings and Listing Changes
Agents are required to load all listings.
Agents are able to make price changes, extend listings and mark properties sold themselves in Matrix. All listing paperwork must be sent to for signing in an electronic signature platform with Suzanne Carswell set as the signer. If the documents need to go to the board once they’re signed you can set the recipient of the signed document to be
Cancellation and Withdrawal Of A Listing
To have a listing canceled or withdrawn please send the cancellation documents in an electronic signing platform to with Suzanne Carswell set as the signer. Set the recipients of the document to to the completed documents sent directly to the board.
BC Northern Board (BCNREB)
Agent Loading of Listings is Mandatory
Please fill out the BCNREB Agent Load Contract and return to
A guide on how to load your listing can be found here.
Alternatively you can load your listing through Transaction Desk and instructions can be found here.
Listing contracts do not require Managing Broker Signature.
Cancellation and Withdrawal Of A Listing
To cancel a listing please send only the BCNREB Listing Cancelation form to through your electronic signing platform with Adrian Langereis set as the person to sign. Please set the recipient of the signed documents to Once signed and sent to the BCNREB they will cancel the listing.
To Report A Sale
To report a sale please fill out the BCNREB Sales Report form (also can be found in your webforms in Paragon) and send to the board at and they will mark the property sold in Paragon.
Powell River Sunshine Coast Real Estate Board (PRSCREB)
Agents have the ability to load, change and cancel all of their own listings in Xposure. All listing documents are required to be signed by the broker Adrian Langereis.
Please send all signature request to via an electronic signing platform with Adrian Langereis set as the person to sign.
Pulling A Title
To pull a title please create an account with the BC Land Title office. Once you have logged into your account enter the parcel identifier (PID) or the title number. (to find a PID please see below)
Once you have entered the PID number the following screen will appear. Please make your selection and order the appropriate title.
Please note all products are delivered electronically and are available for download in your order history for 7 days. Print or save items to your computer for future reference.After 7 days your order will expire and it will no longer be available to download.
If you don’t have or know the PID go to the BC Assesment webpage and enter the address of the property.
Scroll down the page to find the PID
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