Realtor’s Association of Edmonton RAE (Paragon)
Listings and Terminations
Agents are able to load and withdraw all listings independent of the broker but the broker must sign all terminations (see below).
Listing Withdrawal
A listing amendment can be sent to the MLS® Help Desk at where they will withdraw the listing and put it back to active on the applicable date.
Temporary withdrawals are intended for short term use only (up to 10 days). When a listing is being taken off the market for more than 10 days you must use the termination form and select the "Conditional Termination" option.
Reporting A Sale
Agents do not require broker support to report a sale, but must complete the RAE Sales Report within 2 business days of when conditions, if any, are removed. If this report is not filed within 2 business days the agent will be fined $25.00 per business day to a maximum fine of $1000 by RAE. When an unconditional sale of an MLS® Listing has fallen through and the agreement of purchase and sale has been cancelled, notice shall be immediately provided in writing to the Board: cancellation of a reported sale form. Please add the completed form to the checklist line labeled Other (Termination, Withdrawal, Amendment) in Rezen for the brokerage records.
To have a listing terminated please fill out the AREA termination form and send to with Tyrel Laqua set to sign in whichever electronic signing platform you use. Please set the recipient of the signed document to be so your document is automatically sent to the board.
If a conditional sale falls through please notify so the Brokerage can notify the Board of collapsed deal.
Please add the completed termination form to the listing checklist line 8 in reZEN, for the brokerage records, and click on the termination button to notify brokers and leave a note if required. Then a broker will terminate the listing in Rezen.
Pillar9 Boards - CREB, CARA, Medicine Hat
Listings and Reporting Sales
Agents do not require broker signature to list a property or to report a sale and are able to agent load everything into Pillar 9.
Listing Termination
Agents can reactivate a listing but are unable to terminate a listing and must have the broker/admin do this for them. To have a listing terminated please fill out the listing termination form and send to in an electronic signature platform with Tyrel Laqua set to sign. Once the document has been signed it will be changed in Pillar 9.
Please add the completed termination form to the listing checklist line 8 in reZEN, for the brokerage records, and click on the termination button to notify brokers and leave a note if required. A broker will then terminate the listing in reZEN.
Listing Withdrawal
To withdraw a listing the Brokerage must receive written instruction that is signed by the person(s) who signed the MLS® Listing Contract and it must state the reason for temporary withdrawal/suspension and the period of time the listing is to be in withdrawn status.
Temporary withdrawals are intended for short term use only (up to 10 days). When a listing is being taken off the market for more than 10 days you must use the termination form and select the "Conditional Termination" option
Send written withdrawal notice to
RAE, Grand Prairie, Lethbridge
To have a listing terminated please fill out the listing termination form and send to in an electronic signature platform with Tyrel Laqua set to sign. Include the MLS department of the board in which you belong as a receiver or CC on the signing envelope to have the listing sent to the board to be terminated.
Grand Prairie -
Lethbridge -
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