If you have conditions on your deal, you can add the condition dates in reZEN when building your transaction. We will calculate the firm date as the latest of the condition dates and track this at the top of your transaction.
How to add the firm date to your transaction:
When entering your transaction, you will see a question for "Is this transaction conditional?" Select yes, then enter the condition dates.
- You must select at least one condition date.
- If your condition types are not listed, put the latest condition date under "Other Conditions"
- The firm date will be calculated as the latest of the condition dates.
- If you have no conditions, select no for "is this transaction conditional?" If you select this option, the deal will be considered firm upon acceptance and the firm date will be the acceptance date.
How to view the firm date:
You can track this at the top of your transaction. The firm date is the latest of the dates you fill out.
How to Edit the Firm Date:
Click edit transaction, then change firm date. This will open a module where you can view and edit the condition dates. Once you click save, the firm date will be updated to the latest of the condition dates.
Step 1: Click Edit Transaction.
Step 2: Click Change Firm Date on the bottom right corner.
Step 3: Edit the condition dates, as needed, then click Update. Once you update, the firm date on your transaction will update to the latest condition date.
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