Want to see a report of your transactions? Trying to reconcile your tax documents? Check out the reports feature in reZEN.
Types of Reports
In addition to viewing and managing your transactions directly in reZEN, you can download a csv version of your transactions in reZEN.
You can access the following reports in reZEN:
- Closed Transaction Breakdown
- Pending Transaction Breakdown
- Terminated Transaction Breakdown
These reports can be useful for viewing line-by-line details of your transactions in a spreadsheet - and also for tax reconciliation and reporting.
With reports, you can see a line-by-line breakdown of your transactions with key information, such as:
- Gross Commission
- Property Address
- Closing Date
- Applicable Fees (e.g. transaction fee, Real Split)
- Equity Contributions
- Taxes
- Net Payout
- Taxable Income
How to pull agent reports - reZEN desktop
You access agent reports by logging into reZEN either through the app or by logging in online. You can access the online version of reZEN at bolt.therealbrokerage.com and use the same credentials you use to log into the mobile app version of reZEN.
Watch this three minute video for step-by-step instructions - or keep reading below.
Login to reZEN
- Click Reports on the Left
- Choose the appropriate report from the dropdown
- Select the time period
- If you are trying to do a tax reconciliation, select the dates for the prior calendar year and the "Closed Transaction Breakdown" report type.
- If you are on a team, select the appropriate agent. It will default to you.
- Click Generate & Download CSV file
You can also run a closed transactions report directly from your Dashboard Overview page by following these instructions: How can I see a report of my closed transactions for my current anniversary year?
How to pull agent reports - reZEN mobile app
First, log into your app:
Once logged in, you will see this dashboard, click in the bottom right-hand corner:
Then click on reports:
Then indicate which report you’d like to generate and the time frame for the report:
Click on Generate & Download CSV File. An option will display how you’d like to download the report to your phone. Click on the option. You will now have the report you generated.
If you have any additional questions about pulling agent reports, please contact support at support@therealbrokerage.com or by clicking on the Support tab in the app.
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