You can add your previous team leader to a transaction in just a few easy steps.
Step 1: Enter the transaction as you normally would. Your new team leader and admins will automatically be added to the transaction.
Step 2: Add your previous team leader as a referral to your transaction to ensure they receive the correct team split. Scroll to the Payment Participants section on the Details page of the transaction and select Adjust Commission (%) / Splits.
Step 3: Click Add Participant and enter the referral information. First, select Real Agent and Referral as the role. Then add your previous team leader as the participant and click Save.
Step 4: Adjust the splits to reflect your agreement with your team leader. For example, if you were on a 90/10 split with your team, enter 10% for the team leader’s split and 90% for yours. Then click Update.
That’s it! Your previous team leader has been added to the transaction and will be paid a team split.
If your new team leader is waiving their team split or fees since you are already paying your previous team, follow the instructions below:
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