Revenue share is calculated as % you earn for the Tier times the Gross Commission Income (GCI) minus any fees and rebates that are paid out of commission. Keep in mind - revenue share only applies if you are paying your split to Real. In other words - it's the revenue Real earns that is shared with our agents.
Assume a Tier 1 agent earns $10,000 GCI on a transaction. This is one of their first three transactions, so the Brokerage Fee and BEOP fee are deducted.
How much Revenue Share would you earn?
- $9,720 Commission Revenue is Earned by Real - this is the amount available to share.
- $10,000 less $250 Brokerage Fee less $30 BEOP fee.
- Any fees (e.g. Brokerage Fee, BEOP fee) associated with a transaction will be deducted from the Revenue Share Calculation.
- The 15% split to Real is not deducted.
- You must pay the split to Real to earn revenue Share. Real is "sharing" the revenue earned.
- Times: 5% (amount earned at Tier 1)
- Equals: $486 is the total potential revenue share earnings. Real invests up to 60% of its Revenue into the revenue share program and will adjust revenue share payments at the end of the month accordingly.
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