When is Revenue Share Calculated / Earned?
Revenue share is earned and calculated based on the day Real closes your file.
- If you are not producing on the day a transaction closes, you will not receive revenue share.
- If the agent has capped prior to the date the transaction closes, you will not receive revenue share.
- If a downline agent is not producing on the day a transaction closes, the agent will not count toward Tier Unlock.
Producing status is earned the day after your qualifying transaction closes in reZEN.
- Producing status is calculated on the day the transaction is processed and closed in reZEN.
- You will earn your producing status the following day.
Example #1: Producing Status
- March 4th: Christy is not Producing
- March 5th: Christy closes on a deal, earning $6,000 GCI
- March 6th: Because Christy uploaded all required information, the transaction is quickly closed in reZEN.
- March 7th: Christy is officially a producing agent!
Example #2: Tier Unlock
August 10th: Jani sponsored 5 producing agents, including Mike and Barbara. Barbara sponsored Christy, who is also producing.
- August 15th: Mike has not closed a transaction in the last 6 months. He is no longer considered producing. Jani now only has 4 producing agents, which means her Tier 2 is Locked.
August 20th: Christy closes a transaction with $10,000 GCI and $1,500 is paid to Real.
- Barbara earns 5% revenue share ($500). Christy is in her Tier 1.
- Jani earns nothing. Because Mike was not producing on August 20th. Jani only has 4 producing agents. Her Tier 2 is locked and she will not receive a portion of Christy's Revenue Share.
- September 15th: Barbara receives her $500 revenue share payment from the August 20th transaction that Christy closed.
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