Real will purchase stock on the last trading day of the month after your initial contribution is $250 or more. We will continue to collect contributions toward the program, but will not purchase until you hit $250.
Shares are purchased on the last trading day of the month during which commissions are distributed or the stock award is earned. Shares are granted on the 15th of the following month.
Your Shareworks account shows when your shares were awarded, granted, and vested.
- Example: if 5% of an agent’s commission contributions only total $205, they will have to wait until $45 more in commission contributions are earned before that money is used to purchase Real stock shares.
Once you hit the $250 threshold, Real will purchase shares based on the closing price on the last day of the month. You will see these shares in your Shareworks account on the 15th of the following month.
- Example: you contribute $300 on January 5th and $100 on January 20th via the SPP. Real will collect this money and purchase $350 of stock on January 31, 2022. You will see this in your Shareworks account on February 15th, 2022.
Real will continue to wait until contributions are $250 or more to purchase additional shares.
- You contribute $250 on January 20th via the SPP. This is your first time contributing to SPP.
- Since you contributed more than $250, Real will purchase the shares for you on January 31st.
- Since this is your first time purchasing equity with Real, you will receive an email from Shareworks on or about February 15th to activate your Shareworks account. You must click this link to activate your account.
- In February, you contribute $100 to the SPP. Real will not purchase any shares in February. We will wait until you have $250 contributed to make a purchase.
- In March, you contribute $200 to the SPP. Now, you have contributed $300. Real will purchase $300 ($100 from February plus $200 from March) on March 31st (the last day of trading for the month).
- Your shares will appear in your Shareworks account in mid-April.
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