You can share Real Signature Document templates with other Real agents. Watch the 5-minute video below from Real's Product Manager, Dorothy Cheung, or keep reading for updates!
- Login to reZEN and click Real Signature on the left side.
- Go to Document Templates, then My Templates. These are all the templates you created!
- Find the template you want to share and click the share icon (person with +).
- Make sure you have permission to share the template. If it's from a Board, MLS, or State and they do not allow sharing, you can't share the template!
- Search for the person you want to share with. You can search by name or email. Then click on the correct person.
- Decide whether you want to provide view or edit access.
- View only allows the other person to send. This is a great option if you want to own and manage the original document template. View ensures only you can edit the template.
- Edit allows the other person to edit the template. They can change fields, add fields, delete fields - and it will change the template for all people using it.
- Only give edit access if you are comfortable with the other person making changes.
- Click Share once you've made your selection.
- The person you shared with can now see the template is his/her Real Signature account under Document Templates > All Templates.
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