Login to reZEN and click Real Signature on the left side. This will open Real Signature. With Real Signature, you can build reusable document templates & manage signatures.
Once you are logged into Real Signature, you can create a document template, combine multiple templates into a single packet, send documents (or packets) for signature, and manage your signatures.
- How do I create a template with Real Signature?
- How do I send a document for Signature?
- How do I know if my Document was Signed?
How to access on your computer:
- Login to reZEN
- Click Real Signature on the left side
How to access on your phone:
- Login to reZEN
- Click the three lines in the bottom right corner
- Click Real Signature
If you need to return to reZEN, click the top left corner.
On your phone, you can view the status of sent documents and resend incomplete packet emails. Signees can also sign from their phone by clicking on the email requesting them to sign.
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